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Among the most important safety devices are the marine distress signal kits used to face dangerous and emergency situations and to communicate that you require immediate assistance.Browse Osculati.com to find different products to be used in case of need such as kits of flares and smoke signals, available in packages dedicated to pleasure boats, professional fishermen and working purposes. Other items for safe navigation available in the Osculati catalogue are floating rescue lights for lifejackets and dinghies as well as 360° light buoys and lights to indicate light buoys and other elements to be found on the open sea. Moreover, your boat has to be fitted with the main daytime navigation instruments. It is crucial to have these devices on board in order to keep an active and clear communication channel with all the other vessels once you are on the open sea, and not only. Some marine signals available in our portal are the mirror signal heliographs and the black signal cones for sailing boats.