M3-TFT radio for instrument table

КОД 29.530.02


Описание Dashboard radio with accessories
Описание Dashboard radio with accessories
- Compatible devices: Bluetooth/USB/MP3/FM/DAB.
- Display: 3" colour screen, in/out video line.
- Also for external installation
- Input: Bluetooth, USB, 1 x RCA stereo pair.
- Power: 4x40 W.
- Backup memory.
- 12V voltage.
- Accessories: DAB antenna, remote control.
- Cable total length: 2 m.
Ед.изм.: PZ
Height: 31 cm
Weight: 0,95 kg
Width: 15 cm
Cubage: 7.905 cm³
Length: 17 cm

Товары линейки

Товар Описание
M3-TFT radio for instrument table
Dashboard radio with accessories
Auxiliary USB-AUX cable with watertight panel
Additional USB-AUX cord with watertight front panel. To be used for listening to music on external USB memories.