Logistics – the engine of our company
Osculati’s warehouse is the largest fully-stocked depot of marine equipment in Europe: 18,000 sq. m. where over 22,000 items are always available and where over 21 tons of goods are shipped every day.
This flood of items is managed by 75 qualified warehouse staff and 55 logistics operators by means of the most advanced technologies of warehousing, goods handling, packing and shipping the company has largely invested in over the last years.
The warehouse facility and equipment, made to meet our specific requirements, undergo constant updating to increase effectiveness of the logistic process and let operators work faster and in safer conditions. The brand-new automated high-bay warehousing systems streamline small-size item management.
As many as 30 workstations for product packing ensure quick shipments and very efficient order picking.
The new semi-automated logistics area
The largest fully-stocked depot of marine equipment in Europe.
75 qualified warehouse staff.
Careful package.
Warehouse aisles.
One of the automated high-bay warehousing systems.
21 Tons of goods we deliver every day.
38.000.000 € Value of goods in our stock.
93 Number of countries regularly supplied with our goods.
22.000 Products on our Master Catalogue.
1.000 New entries in our catalogue every year.
7.000 Osculati trademark products.
18.000 mq Overall storage area.
75 Warehouse skilled staff.
Osculati Sales Network