LEWMAR Ocean 10 hatch

CODE 19.420.10

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Model 10 external mm - X 324 external mm - Y 324 external mm - Z 39,5
external mm - R 75 external dimensions mm - HY 138 exsternal dimensions mm - HX 5 cut-out dimensions (depending on trimming rings)mm - X1 255
cut-out dimensions (depending on trimming rings) mm - Y1 255 cut-out dimensions (depending on trimming rings) mm - R1 40 2,26 Acrilic thickness mm 10
Model 10
external mm - X 324
external mm - Y 324
external mm - Z 39,5
external mm - R 75
external dimensions mm - HY 138
exsternal dimensions mm - HX 5
cut-out dimensions (depending on trimming rings)mm - X1 255
cut-out dimensions (depending on trimming rings) mm - Y1 255
cut-out dimensions (depending on trimming rings) mm - R1 40
Acrilic thickness mm 10
19.903.08 Hatch stay with supportsSeal bracket for hatch door equipped with supports
Classic style, rugged construction. For many years now it has been fitted to thousands of boats all around the world. CE-approved for AREA 2. Model with flat base.
Height: 9 cm
Weight: 2,80 kg
Width: 36 cm
Cubage: 11.664 cm³
Length: 36 cm

Master items

Item Model external mm - X external mm - Y external mm - Z external mm - R external dimensions mm - HY exsternal dimensions mm - HX cut-out dimensions (depending on trimming rings)mm - X1 cut-out dimensions (depending on trimming rings) mm - Y1 cut-out dimensions (depending on trimming rings) mm - R1 Acrilic thickness mm Finishing counteflange + mosquito net
LEWMAR Ocean 10 hatch
10 324 324 39,5 75 138 5 255 255 40 2,26 10 -
LEWMAR Ocean 20 hatch
20 266 411 39,5 69 225 5 197 342 34 2,74 10 19.413.21
LEWMAR Ocean 30 hatch
30 391 521 39,5 75 335 5 322 452 40 4,5 10 19.413.30
LEWMAR Ocean 40 hatch
40 485 485 39,5 75 299 5 416 416 40 4,76 10 19.413.40
LEWMAR Ocean 60 hatch
60 574 574 43 76 367 4 502 502 40 10,8 12 19.413.60
LEWMAR Ocean 70 hatch
70 694 694 43 76 487 4 622 622 40 13,2 12 19.413.70